Deadbolt Wiki

Apartment Briefing[ | ]

Fireplace[ | ]

The flames stay extinguished.

*Mission*[ | ]

A club the Candles have been investigating has suddenly gone quiet – along with the candles. What happened inside?

Intel[ | ]

There is no intel. The fireplace remains quiet.

Case file text[ | ]

This club is strangely quiet - what happened?

Gameplay[ | ]

Starting off in front of a rather tall club, the player makes their way inside and meets the enemies within, while discovering the origins of ash - the bodies of converted undead. Inside after killing all the undead, by presumably climbing the tower, the player is then introduced to a cutscene of undead backup arriving to kill them. Dispatching them, who arrive in waves with the total being 3, ends the level and the player is able to retreat into the safety of their car.

New Additions[ | ]

  • A new enemy, the Nightcrawler, is introduced; a hunched over, bat-like vampire who's night vision and ability to take a beating will prove to be a challenge
    • The Nightcrawler wields a silenced PDW, dropping said weapon on death with half ammo.

Notes[ | ]

  • Unlike the past backup, this one appears in waves.